Vandoren Soprano Saxophone Reed- #3
Talk to any clarinet or sax player, and odds are at some point in their career, they or one of their colleagues relied on Vandoren reeds for every performance. Vandoren Traditional Soprano Saxophone Reeds are found in instrument cases everywhere, with over 100 years of high-quality construction solidifying their place as a superior mass-produced woodwind reed. Vandoren Traditional reeds deliver the purest tone possible thanks to their exceedingly thin tip, which maximizes vibrations, along with a dense vertebral column. The result? A crystal-clear sound that's slightly darker and fuller than comparable reeds. And with their wide selection of strengths and package quantities, Vandoren reeds are catered to students and professionals alike.

Vandoren Soprano Saxophone Reed- #3
Sale price$4.99 USD
Regular price$9.99 USD